Painter of Dreams by Bobbi Sinha Morey
Painter of Dreams
My life no longer like a broken winged
bird that cannot fly, I gazed outdoors
upon a miniature gazebo so lovingly
carved by a pair of hands, a feeder for
orioles, and it reminded me of Eleanor,
a painter of dreams who lived so far away
inside a Tudor home, and I'd seen what
lay in her dreams: a quail on red brown
jasper, the blue mountains in eastern
Oregon. And she lived life with a passion,
rising with the iris of peaking dawn,
gardens spread around their acre of land
which she and her husband grew and
everything under the the sun: zucchini,
yellow squash, sunflowers, cabbage,
fruit trees, and pumpkin; a greenhouse
for flowers, rivulets of cool water and
streams; just beyond it a sanctuary for
homing pigeons white as doves. I took
the trail halfway into the forest, past
the Japanese shelter, so at peace, unaware
of any bears. She and her husband were
a pair who loved to hunt rock, cut and
polished what they found, their world
so abundant with beauty and life. I could
imagine one day in the spring one of her
paintings, a rainbow in the mist, inspired
by a waking dream.
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