Margaret Karim Resident Poet



From our bedroom window
I watch you dance alone
Lost to a rhythm
Composed by your soul

I want to join you
Twirl you into infinity
Those days are over
You are a stranger to me

Tomorrow you will
Cast our past aside
I will be a memory
No longer by your side

Your quest is adventure
To find yourself too
I did not realise there was
A missing part to you

If ultimately you discover
I am your destiny
Return to my arms
Here, I will


Recently you have
Been offhand
Fate is fickle
I understand
Above all
We are friends
Don't tease
Or pretend
If you wish
To say goodbye
Tell the truth
Do not lie
Treat me kindly
I will not cry
Better to know
Than wonder why


She arrives
In my cafè
After lunch
Each day
Red lipstick
Shabby shoes
Soulful eyes
Hazel hues
String of pearls
Faded style
Polite manners
Gentle smile
Waiting for
Her beau
He disappeared
Years ago
To return
I watch with
Increasing concern
As passing time
Her decline
Often, she cries,
Says she has
An allergy
I pat her hand
In sympathy
Her dignity

Brighter sphere

My world
Grayish blue
It was all
I knew
Until, you arrived,
Palette in hand
Taught me
To understand
One certainty
Life evolves
Opens windows
Closes doors
We cannot predict
Fate's whims
But, can chose,
Not to be victims
Change mindsets
Become survivors
Live in a sphere
Of brighter colours


Youth is fleeting
Essence remains
Continues coursing
Through mature veins
Mischievious behaviour
Twinkle in the eye
Sense of adventure
Never wither, or die,
As years pass
May take a backseat
React to convention
Become discreet
Given opportunity
Resume centre stage
Exuberance resurrected
Bound to amaze
Those, who fail
To see,
Age does not erase
Innate personality


Memory is selective
Rekindling youth
Employs nostalgia
To obscure the truth
Add a tinge of dignity
In painful situations
Blur the reality of
Embarrassing occasions
Whitewash the past
With a magic brush
People, events; acquire
A rose tinted flush
Reside in a bubble
Within the imagination
Forever alluring
As a destination


Soft breeze blows
Gentle caress
Rekindles memories
Of his tenderness
She remains oblivious
As tears gather
Grief's seepage
Like no other
People show concern
Tinged with apprehension
Should they intervene?
Momentary hesitation
She releases them
From burden of care
Produces a wide smile
Out of thin air
Mouths a silent
I am okay
Pats their arms
Goes on her way
By despair
Indescribable loss,
Impossible to share


Fellow traveller
Like me
Navigating life
Individual reality
Of connection
Non verbal
Our eyes express
An entire story
Mutual recognition
For a fleeting
Leave an imprint
On heart, mind
We nod, smile
Go our own way
Memory rekindled
On dark days

Yet to be

Hidden in shadows
Discarded, unseen
Remains the person
She could have been
If life had been kinder
Encouraged dreams
Optimised levels
Of self esteem
Each passing year
As she grows older
Ghostly vestiges
Become bolder
Today, a whisper
In her ear
"Look in the mirror,
Am still here,
Never left"
And, she sees,
A fleeting reflection
Of who she is yet to be

Unique sorrow

Lost illusion
Of hope in tomorrow
Experience has taught
Grief is a unique sorrow
Never ending
Occasional respite
Remains low lying
Waiting to reignite
New existence evolves
All seems tame
Emotions dulled
Never the same
In the loneliness
All pervading
Of living with
A broken heart
Aware one part
Will never restart


Your true beauty
Is hidden within
Cocooned under
Layers of skin
Driven deeper
With each of life's blows
Neglected, left to wither,
Slowly decompose
Time to believe in yourself
Remember you are unique
Feed your essence
Encourage it to speak
Allow strength of character
To see the light
Polish all its facets
Let them shine bright
Newfound confidence
Give it due worth
Embrace self love
As it guides your rebirth


Lights a cigarette
Watches it glow
Wonders if
She will show
Never knows
If she will appear
But, each night,
Finds him here
Where she died
Long ago
Moment of madness
Alcohol fuelled ego
No excuses
Commited a crime
His time
Has he paid
Cobble stones
Familiar sound
Of her stilettos

You Stole A Kiss

You stole a kiss
A long time ago
It was fun
Great for my ego
Met years later
Chance encounter
You decided
To steal another
Five decades on
Fate decreed
It was my turn
To do the deed
Gave condolences
To your kin
Paid my respects
At your coffin
Kissed you
For the first time
Wished Destiny
Had made you mine

Matriarchal legacy

Abhors fuss
Favours convention
Dislikes being
Centre of attention
Unconditional love
Her trademark
Eighty today
Must face family
Pretend to be surprised
When they shout party
Would prefer
To stay in
Have cheese, biscuits
A few shots of gin
Sighing, she sprays
Perfume in the air
Walks through the mist
Combs her hair
Tells her reflection
In the looking glass
She has poise
Plenty of sass
Winks, smiles
Thinks of her Mother
Whose legacy
She honours


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