Songs of the Southern Rim by Elizabeth Spencer Spraigins
Songs of the Southern Rim
(A Rannaigheacht Ghairid)
Quiet calls
From the corners of these walls
As a frosted sun descends
And lends flame to painted halls.
Raven wings
Whisper when the canyon sings
Lullabies of lavender
On her harp of piñon strings—
Grace note soars!
Condors row on silent oars,
Ferry cargo of my dreams
Over streams to heaven’s shores
As dusk falls.
One last breath—the warm wind stalls
Just before the daylight dies.
Red rock sighs and quiet calls
Quiet calls
From the corners of these walls
As a frosted sun descends
And lends flame to painted halls.
Raven wings
Whisper when the canyon sings
Lullabies of lavender
On her harp of piñon strings—
Grace note soars!
Condors row on silent oars,
Ferry cargo of my dreams
Over streams to heaven’s shores
As dusk falls.
One last breath—the warm wind stalls
Just before the daylight dies.
Red rock sighs and quiet calls
Elizabeth Spencer Spraigins
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