Raining Sun by Catherine Zickgraf
photo by Joanne Olivieri
Ocean Beach San Francisco
Raining Sun
Raindrops against the sunshine
sparkle like diamond threads
unwinding from white spools in the sky.
They unroll into pools of earth’s brown eyes
that overflow and ooze into moving rivers.
Clouds drip their last drops,
rocking little wavelets,
swaying them there in the summer puddles.
But by tonight, the land should dry,
and the eyelashes of grass
will lay themselves closed
over an ocean of shimmering glass.
Two lifetimes ago, Catherine performed her poetry in Madrid. Now her main jobs are to write and hang out with her family. Her work has appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Pank, Victorian Violet Press, and The Grief Diaries. Her chapbook, Soul Full of Eye, is published through Aldrich Press.
Watch and read more at www.caththegreat.blogspot. com
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