Beauty Beyond The Looking Glass by Lynn Long

Beauty Beyond The Looking Glass by Lynn Long is an insightful and inspirational volume of introspective poetry and prose as in the following haiku.

Love is reflection
A beauty within ourselves
Waiting to be seen...


The author has an uncanny ability to see and express the beauty within this world despite the storms we all experience throughout our lives as in the following two poems.

Beauty in Wonder

Visions of wonder
True sights to behold
Are the vistas within
The depths of your soul
Storm clouds brewing
And, yet, the sun still shines
For beauty is in the wonder
Of one’s own mind…

Beauty in Heartache

And I miss you...
The ache bittersweet
For you- are all I’ve
ever dreamed
You… are the love song
haunting my soul
The poetic lyrics of
every poem
The heartbeat
resounding deep
The key to my quest
on this journey I’m
 Yet, alas, you were
never really mine
For you... are but a
beautiful memory
Somewhere in time…
Where the moon resides
Amid a celestial sea
I leave my soul...
In search of thee


This next piece exemplifies love in it's purest unwaivering form with a powerful message embracing two souls as one.

The Beauty in Falling

Let me wander
Through the caverns
of your soul
And, I’ll give you
my heart
To eternally hold
Let me explore
Just a while
Drifting in your kiss
Along true love's Nile
Let me soar
Beyond the night
To return once more
A Phoenix
In flight
And let us fall
Again and again
Into the abyss
Deep within


Ah, this next work caught my heart so eloquently with a smile and fond memories.  We all have memories of our past, some good, some bad. This poem brings the memories to life with a walk in nature and tugs at the heart with a "live and love in the moment" mantra that is all so important in living a positive existence.

Beauty of a Memories Past

Walking in the rain
I am at once
a child again...
As raindrops fall
upon my face
 And gently caress
in warm embrace
Bringing a smile,
a playful laugh
And for just
a moment
A memories


Lynn Long is an accomplished yet rare poetess as she is able to evoke such powerful emotions from each work, each stanza and conclude a poem or haiku with an insightful message you've not before experienced.

Her language sees depth of emotions and weaves that language together creating a powerful tapestry embracing the positivity of nature and it's influence on life and love.

This collection is also translated within the pages of this volume in Spanish for bilingual readers.

This collection of poetry is a must read, day after day in order to affirm a positive perspective on life. It will have you experiencing the ups and downs in life with a positive new way of seeing... With your heart and soul.


  1. 💜💜💜 Oh Joanne, I am so touched and humbled by your very lovely words of my poetry... they are felt in my Soul and I thank you from the heart❤ Lynn


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